Saturday 6 April 2013


compotiotion of the week this week: Rhinestone rodeo

                                                     smile for the camera

                                                           agent cuties+bffs+ agent bffs 

                                                        why just the finest models in town xD

                                                DUN DUN DUUUN we are dead we r ghosts

                                                         ballon festival :D 

                                          WE ALL LOVE BUNNYS <3 I LOVE BUNNYS DO U <3

                                              Magic we are all so magical :D xD

                                            ever heard of the rainbow cuties well now you have xD
                                              lacy: ring ring helllooo.... ring ring hellooo.... ring ring hellooo
                                              cat: SERIOUSLY WHAT DO U WANT 

                                                      xD xD xD <3 <3 <3 <3 xD xD xD

                                       One day a wolf came and knocked on my door and i just said "come in"
                                       so it came in and i was reading a magizine and it bit my head of xD

just to say bellz as i have said that goldfish will get revenge and come slapping at your face and will drown u in lava xD LOL
I will post some of my friends on here

awesome and
crazy friend

crazy and
epic friend

funny and
<---random friend
       awesome and
<---pretty friend

<---funny and
EPIC friend

<--funny and
wicked friend

in case you haven't noticed on msp lots of people are putting autos or deleted or wishys or deleted

here is an example of one of my friends statuses

<----- it shouldn't be like this 

<----- it should be like this
yes i know thats my status but
im just showing and example so
for me please never put 
autos or deleted
wishys or deleted 
greeting or deleted!!
thanks xxxxxx

try and add me on my movie star planet account my name is XXCuteCatValentineXX 

today on the 07/04/2013 i was writing in Candireds guest book when i found a girl on there was being mean here is what she said 

                                          click to make bigger

we need to stop this hate!! there is no need to be mean to high levels and there is no need to be mean to low levels so please stop
 ;)  <3

yesterday there was a proposal made by jammers16 to ejj5718 lets hope this love continues and never stop:D 

this was just me and my friends messing around :)

                   the greatest twins of msp populargirlfriend x and RitaOra 23 there so cute :D

                 yay another random picture I LOVE RANDOMNESS COMMENT IF YOU DO TO :D

I am so close to level 9 so please will you help me you only have to give me autos i mean is that to much to ask please please please can i have some autos and if your really kind could i have some greetings please

thnx alot <3 :D

sorry if you try and talk to me and i dont reply due to lagg it wont let me

 i know this isn't a msp video but I love it so much its funny
look it up on you tube if you want to watch it again its called
top 10 minecraft parody songs


       me and shanegillet messing around at the mall hahaha shane your so funny <3

  this is me and my twin sister bebonkers2013 :D we are bffs in real and we are basically twins so we became twins on msp BEBONKERES2013 YOUR R THE BEST

                                                   the Greatest msp family in history of msp xD                                       
We always are together and we never fight..... well 2bh we always fight but its funny when we do cos the way we react makes us laugh xD

This was us messing around :D 
we truly are bffs

now this was just us messing around in ejj5718's room btw the girl next to me(im the one in the middle)
the person in orange is ejj5718 :D and the girl in black and white is lacymacie10 we r bffs i'll post some other pics of us doing this xD

  me and bellz

thought i had more pics anyways vist lacymacie10 and ejj5718's blogspot its called thnx if you do

just to say i reached lvl 9 and im saying thnx to all the peeps that helped me, help lacymacie10 to lvl 13 and ejj5718 to lvl 17 thnx if you do and congrats to bebonkers2013 on reaching lvl 4 and penelopepurple555 on reaching lvl 3 :D well done to all